Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#077: Grant Giles on Psychology for the Awakened Athlete



Grant Giles is obsessed with understanding what happens between an athlete’s ears. Grant has 25+ years of experience in triathlons, starting with a 14 year career as an elite athlete. He then turned to coaching and ultimately developed some of Australia’s most successful professional triathletes. These life experiences - together with his own struggles with anxiety - led him to become obsessed with understanding what happens between an athlete’s ears. These days, Grant runs Sports Supports, a business that closes the gap between psychology and sport by providing mind-body coaching to athletes. The core of his philosophy is to develop ‘awakened athletes’ which he describes in his conversation as ‘somebody who is aware that they are more than the content of their thinking and can stand apart from their thinking and can actually enquire into it; ask questions of it, analyse it, or drop it all together.’ Grant’s approach can, I think, be summarised by: “don’t believe everything you think”. Get the full show notes