Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#072: Lisa Bentley: Why Attitude is More Important Than Fact



“Attitude is more important than fact” might seem like one of those weary and overused motivational slogans. But Lisa Bentley lives it every day. A member of the Triathlon Canada Hall of Fame, Lisa is an 11 time Ironman triathlon champion, including 5 straight victories at Ironman Australia (2002 - 2006). She also has cystic fibrosis - a genetic lung disease that results in chronic infections with limited lung capacity. Lisa was diagnosed in 1989 at the age of 20, when the average life expectancy for those with cystic fibrosis in Canada, was also 20. The facts would suggest Lisa was never meant to excel at endurance sports. She’s the first to admit she wasn’t the most talented athlete around, especially given her limited lung capacity. But it was Lisa’s approach to the mental and emotional side of sport -- and her attitude -- that set her apart. We dive into her story and the tools she used to build that mental fitness in this conversation. Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta Chic