Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

#070: Ali Hill on Failure, Feeling Like a Fraud & Living a Stand Out Life



Australia’s coolest psychologist, Ali Hill is a CEO, sought-after speaker, author, podcaster, mum of 2 and runner. Perhaps it’s no wonder that after being overcome by a tremendous sense of overwhelm 2 years ago, that Ali (as a ‘head mechanic’ to use her words) went on a quest to understand society’s obsession with ‘busy’ and how to live a life filled with meaning, even amongst the busyness. That quest resulted in Ali not only making changes in her own work and life but also writing a fantastic book called ‘Stand Out: A Real World Guide to Get Clear, Find Purpose & Become the Boss of Busy’ and launching one of my favourite podcasts, Stand Out Life. In this conversation, we discuss where her interest in behavioural science and psychology originated from, the fear of failure, how to live a life filled with meaning (even amongst the ‘busy’) and her experience running the 22km race at Ultra Trail Australia this year. Plus, I turn the tables and ask whether a psychologist -- with all the tools, knowledge and in