Sparta Chicks Radio: Mindset | Confidence | Sport | Women

From the Vault - Siri Lindley on the Power of Self-Belief and Dancing With Your Fears



How do you use your fear and self-doubt to get the best out of your yourself? That's the question we explore in our interview with Siri Lindley who was 2x-ranked the #1 triathlete in the world and the 2002 ITU World Champion in 2002. Since retiring, Siri has gone onto have an extraordinarily successful career as a coach and is regarded as one of the best triathlon coaches in the world. Even if you aren't interested in triathlon, I have no doubt you'll gain a lot from Siri's heart-centred approach training, racing and life. The author of Surfacing: From the Depths of Self-doubt to Winning Big and Living Fearlessly, in her book and this interview Siri talks openly about her struggles with self-doubt as an athlete and how recognising and challenging your fears is the key to getting the best out of yourself. And once you hear the story of her first triathlon, I think you’ll agree that nothing is impossible with self-belief, passion and hard work.  Get the full show notes for the episode here. — Visit the Sparta