Principally Speaking

PS40: EDCAMP! w/ Kristen Swanson & Michelle White



In the first part of this episode, I have the privilege of speaking with Kristen Swanson, the co-founder of the Edcamp movement.  We talk about her previous experience as a teacher and tech director, as well as her current work as an author, consultant, professor, and Director of the Research Institute at BrightBytes (whew!).  In between everything else, I learn that Barcamps are like Edcamps but for coders, and that these were an inspiration to get Edcamps going.  For a great place to learn more about Edcamps, especially if you want to run your own, head to and click on the book below. For the second part of the show, I speak with Michelle White, who is the Director of the Passport to Innovative Education Program at The Summit in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Summit is graciously hosting EdCamp Fort Wayne this summer on July 23.   Click the image below to learn about this program. Click below to register for EdCamp Fort Wayne 2015! It's FREE!