Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

085: Who are you partnering with to care for your podcast?



Episode 085. "Sometimes I even think of the shows as, like, my children... like I'm co-parenting these shows and bringing them into the world... and trying to give them every opportunity possible to grow and to thrive and to reach their full potential." ~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss At The Creative Impostor Studios and on Podcast Envy, we are all about the experience of podcasting. And that goes for the podcaster, the listener, the guests, the sponsors, the collaborative partners... Whoever is involved in the ecosystem of that podcast is a stakeholder and deserves to have an incredible experience! And continuing our mini-series on self-care and podcasting, I want to clarify that part of self-care is community care! It has a lot to do with the people who are around you and the relationships that you are in. And this directly applies to you as a podcaster... whether you are brining on a team, or service providers to support your show, or you are DIY-ing it, whether you are part of a larger organiz