Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

084: Stop Asian Hate, a podcast playlist



Episode 084. "During the pandemic in the past year, there have been 3,800 reported incidents of anti-Asian violence, roughly 503 of which took place during 2021 alone." ~Reported in The Guardian We need to talk about something, which is this phrase that I keep hearing in my head over and over again, said by my friend, colleague, client, Sarah Buino, creator and host of Conversations With a Wounded Healer podcast. She said that we, as podcasters, are part of the media. That is why I want to take a moment here to specifically address topics around the March 2021 Gold Spa shooting in Atlanta, GA. I want to give you a few resources that I think do a great job of illuminating some of these different angles to this situation in a non-sensationalist way, promoting cultural dialogue about some things that maybe don't get talked about enough. Beyond Reproach - Minisode 25 Stop Asian Hate Conversations With a Wounded Healer - Stop Psychoanalyzing Mass Shooters Article by Sarah Suzuki NPR's Life Kit - Ta