Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

082: Be a person who is curious and cares with Kate Sullivan, To Dine For



Episode 082. “When I do an interview, I try to throw out any sort of expectations of the interview that I want to have, and really try to meet someone where they are in that moment, in that second.“ ~Kate Sullivan A pandemic can make you question all sorts of life and podcasting choices. Emmy Award-winning journalist Kate Sullivan offers up a solution: return to your why. Why do you care? As host of To Dine For, a multimedia celebration of ingenuity, hard work, and achievement told over food, Kate explores the universal motivator with her guests. Why do they do what they do? Why is this restaurant the location for the conversation (each guest gets to choose the place in which the interview takes place)? In crafting each episode, Kate’s reminded of her why: to tell inspiring stories over food.  Although To Dine For began as an idea for a tv series - now streaming via PBS and Amazon Prime - “the podcast started as my way of pivoting in the pandemic, of trying to create and continue to do what I love,” Kates s