Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

075: Podcasting for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audience Members



Episode 075. “You may be thinking… okay Andrea, that’s ridiculous! If you are deaf you obviously don’t listen to podcasts  — just like if you are blind you obviously don’t watch videos… except that’s not true, or at least that’s a very limited way to consider the question. And you are missing a whole segment of the population!" ~Andrea Klunder I just HAD TO pop into the feed with a long overdue bossy solo episode! Something just came up recently that took me into an impromptu research project and really got the wheels turning around marketing, growth and sustainability from a values based angle. Have you ever thought about making your show/ your content MORE accessible to MORE people?  Let me be more specific – have you ever thought about how someone who is deaf or hard of hearing may experience your podcast? So I decided to do a little research and compile what I am calling my best practices for inclusion of deaf and hard of hearing audience members. These recommendations are by no means exhaustive, nor ha