Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

062: Staying home and being there for your listeners with Monica Rivera of You Wanna Do What?!



Episode 062. "Some people use a microphone so they can speak into the mic and hear themselves talk, but I do the podcast because I genuinely love it. Emails that I receive or social media messages I receive of how it can help people during this time and seeing people feel low or get sick or lose family members -- how could I not be there?" ~Monica Rivera Monica Rivera is a favorite guest here at The Creative Impostor Studios. Launched in 2017, her podcast You Wanna Do What? boasts over 100 episodes and fans around the globe. Not content with simply broadcasting strategies her listeners can employ to want more, do more, be more, Monica also offers consultant services to help would-be podcast creators become polished pros. Oh, and she holds down a full time day job in analytics. And delivered a popular TED Talk about "The Flipside of Loneliness."  Monica’s pedigree translates into a hefty workload under normal circumstances. With the virus adding additional stressors to everyone’s life, I thought it time to ch