Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

059: Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes



Episode 059. "Part of what I love about clothes is it can be an escape because there’s definitely an element of fantasy and aspiration to clothing and getting dressed and expressing ourselves in our style. And then there’s also the practicality of how do you look good on a zoom meeting call, and how do you show your personality and dress and be professional when you can only be seen from like the armpits or shoulders up?" ~Holly Chayes Podcast Envy is jumping into a new series of pandemic podcasting pivots. We kick it off in conversation with Holly Chayes, stylist, wardrobe consultant, and creator of Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes, the show in which she...well, she talks about clothes with the people who wear them.  Anyone who’s sat for a Zoom meeting in a freshly-laundered shirt and last week’s pajama bottoms as of late would be forgiven for thinking the pandemic has thrown a wrinkle (I couldn’t resist) into Holly’s content - not to mention her publishing timeline. Yes and no. A seasoned podcast pro