Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

057: Your voice is an instrument of change aka launch your show now!



Episode 057. “You have chosen to be here. And you have chosen to be here for a reason. I mean you could have picked anything... but you chose podcasting.” ~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss I was draaaaagging my feet on creating a "Launch Your Podcast" online course. I couldn't even record episode 1. And then I realized... I'm Your Podcast Boss. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. So instead of trying to figure out how to motivate myself to create something I clearly didn't want to create, I turned the inquiry around on myself to find out WHY I wasn't inspired. BUT, if you are WANTING to learn how to podcast from me, don't worry. I'm not going to leave you hanging... Let's start with this: 1) What is the change that you want to make? 2) How can you do this in your own best possible way? I really want to know! Email me: andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com   Full Show Notes including guest links, podcasts & resources: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/podenvy057   Podcast Angel: Launch Your Own Podc