Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

056: Podcast therapy, marketing, and making friends on your show with Sarah Buino



Episode 056. “I am looking for more speaking and teaching gigs nowadays and so it’s been this "pose yourself as an expert" sort of thing. And, also, it’s just been a vehicle for me to talk to cool people.” ~Sarah Buino, Conversations With a Wounded Healer The new year comes preloaded with bold plans. That’s doubly true when the calendar hits a milestone; even the tiniest ideas get a jolt from the magnifying power of 2020 party glasses. Have you finally decided to start that podcast? Are you thinking about supporting your current podcast with a Patreon page? Ready to create a new Instagram profile for your show or nurture a marketing plan that’s gone stale? Haven’t got a clue where to begin or what to focus on?  Relax. You don’t have to figure everything out all at once. In fact, you don’t even need to have it all figured out after 70+ shows as this episode’s guest will attest. You just have to start. Sarah Buino, LCSW, CADC, is one of those people who stands in the full wattage of her abilities. As a therapi