Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

055: Celebrating Podcast Milestones, advice from featured podcasters



Episode 055. “Something that I’ve noticed with milestones... is that there’s a feeling of never enough-- never enough downloads; there are never enough episodes; there’s never enough content. And, at times, it can feel like a hamster wheel. And I think there’s a lot of pressure to continue producing content every week.” ~Melissa Guller, Everything is Teachable & Book Smart Happy end of the year, end of the decade, podcast listeners! As the days wind down, I thought this the perfect time to discuss milestone episodes. To be totally honest with you, I hadn’t given the topic much thought until the incredible Sarah Buino, host of Conversations With A Wounded Healer (and one of my clients) asked if I had any suggestions for marking her 100th episode. Ok then! Time to commence thinking about milestones! But where to start?  Listen, hitting publish on your first episode is just as much a milestone as posting your hundredth so don’t let numbers put you off. I chatted with several podcasters whose interpretations