

Episode 052. Happy Halloween -- one of my favorite times of year! I love haunted houses and spooky decorations and hot Apple cider. Also, being a former theater kid, I love. Costumes, stage, makeup, playing a role, pretending to be someone or something you are not. It's an opportunity to do things outside of the norm for you to behave in a different way. Heck, maybe even to use a different voice when you speak You may be thinking, what do tarot cards have to do with Halloween? And more importantly, what do they have to do with podcasting? One of my favorite childhood Halloween costumes was that of fortune teller -- I've always been fascinated by the possibility of one being able to see the future or at least be able to see things that most people cannot. Of course, tarot cards may not actually be about telling the future, but I do like to use the cards as a tool for contemplation -- to help me see what I otherwise might not have about a certain situation. So at some point I had the idea to do this in relation