Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

049: Nonprofit Podcasting with Stacy Massey from IJ Clinic on Entrepreneurship's How's Business?



Episode 049. "It’s a lot easier than I expected to get people to talk to you for a podcast… I majored in journalism as an undergrad and I remember trying to get people to let me interview them for a story. For some reason, people are way more responsive for this [podcasting] medium." ~Stacy Massey, host of How's Business? from the Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship Question: What do podcasting, non-profit work, and local entrepreneurship have in common?  Pick One: a) They exist despite time & budget constraintsb) They require mad organizational skills & scrappinessc) They’re fulfilling endeavors, not get-rich-quick schemed) All of the above Answer: Yeah, it’s all of the above.  Stacy Massey, formerly of the Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship (aka IJ Clinic), joined me in the Podcast Envy studio (live! exciting!) for a dive into the d) end. Our all of the above conversation is packed with tips from Stacy and lessons she learned at the helm of How’s Business?, IJ Clin