Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

028: Social Impact and Podcasting with Beth O'Connor, The Rural Health Voice



Episode 028. What if your boss or board member approached you with the idea, task, or strong suggestion to start a podcast for your organization and you had no idea where to begin?  Well that's essentially what happened with Beth O'Connor of the Virginia Rural Health Association. And now, she's on her way to launching The Rural Health Voice on behalf of her nonprofit!  Find out how she's doing it, where the money is coming from, and what was holding her back in the beginning.    Upcoming Podcast Envy Class: 3 Elements Your Podcast is Missing @ Next Door Chicago Wednesday 9/26 from 6:30-8:00pm It's FREE! Can't make it? Not in Chicago? Get on the Podcast Envy VIP list and then reply back to the email you get from me and ask for the free launch webinar. Featured Podcast Angel: Beth's best advice if YOU are suffering from paralysis by analysis or the dreaded impostor syndrome? Talk to other podcasters! That's part of why I'm offering a Podcast Envy Launch Pod this fall! If you've been waiting for the right time t