Watered Grass

S4E10: The Twelve Truths of Holiday Self-Care



  It's the most wonderful time of the year...right? This time of year we can get really overwhelmed with all of the parties, gift-giving, cold temperatures, and early sunsets.  Today I outline 12 truths to help guide our decisions so that we can feel happy, grateful, and full of joy during the holiday season.   Don't forget to go to download your favorite Truth to post on social media! Tag @wateredgrass when you do. The newest episode of Making Self-Care Stick comers out this Thursday, and we're talking about finding time in our busy schedules.  Don't forget to get your free workbook to go with the episodes by signing up for the email list! Next month's book club read is full of Self-Care tips! Register at this link to join us for Andrea Owen's How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t