Watered Grass

S3E23: Yardwork with Visioning Crystals



Welcome back! It's that time in the season that we start to do a little Yardwork. (Get it? Watered Grass?) In this segment of the show I talk about any of the services from this season that I have tried.  I'll fill you in on everything you need to know before you go including logistics, my experience, and what I've carried over.  This week brings us back to Season 3 Episode 2 with Lauri Ingram of Visioning Crystals.  I took a workshop with Lauri to learn how to create crystal grids for abundance.  Here all about it in this week's episode! Are you a lover of books? Not enough time to read them all? Want to dive in deeper? Click the link to sign up for the email list for the Watered Grass Book Club, coming October 2019!   If you're a small business owner looking to learn more about how to use podcasts to grow your business- either as a guest or a host- sign up here to get more information on my upcoming video trainings.