Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

What Will Grow Your Business in 2019: My Predictions



Welcome to the all *NEW* Go-To Gal podcast!Episode #1. And what better topic than to dive into my 2019 Predictions for the online marketing industry. I’ve narrowed it down to my top seven…and I’ll tell you exactly what I’m predicting, AND what it means for you and your business…PLUS how it effects my own business. That’s right, I’ll share exactly how my team and I are making plans and implementing with these trends. Let’s dive on in!Notable Moments + Highlights:A NEW kind of Influencer… And the simple thing you need to do to become one.The decline of the $2K-$3K MEGA COURSE…to be replaced by THISWhat is the future of online education?The HUGE need for implementation over information, and what to do about it.The real cost of NOT working in your zone of geniusBefore you automate, make sure you are doing this too!The one thing I never thought I would recommend to online business owners (including myself)Is it the “Year of Video”….again??? Two things you need to know…Entrepreneurs and CEOs simply can’t ignore thi