Dr. Jim Richards

3. The Matrix of Life



We have been told if we simply copy the actions of others we can have the same outcome they experienced. In the motivational world we are told if you want to make a million dollars find someone who made a million dollars and do what they did. But the truth is, before you can copy someone’s actions and be assured you will get the same results, you must copy their beliefs. Through the uncertainty principle we discovered that the observer in any experiment changes the outcome at the quantum level. This is absolutely true concerning the beliefs of the heart. Your ability to experience any of God’s truth is the result of what you believe in your heart. More than anything else, your self-worth creates the lens through which you view the world. None of us relate to the same opportunity the same way and none of us have the same success as everyone who applies the same truth. The outcome is always altered by our self-worth. Your self-worth is the matrix around which you make all of your decisions. It is the subconscio