Christin Henke Interview

People Pleasing Ep #4



Are you constantly concerned with what people think about you? Do you always say yes to a request by someone, even if you don't want to do it or have time to do it? Do you often times find yourself alone, and lack support from those around you? Do you frequently agree with others or go along with what they say just so you "fit in"? Or go through great lengths to avoid conflict? If you said yes to more than a few of these questions, then you may be a people pleaser!! There is a fine line between people pleasing and "kindness" and it can oftentimes be confused. Most people pleasers feel that they are being kind by always saying "yes" to someone, but what is the underlying reason you are saying yes to their request? Fear of judgement? Fear of conflict? Fear of them not liking you? If these are the fears you feel when debating on whether or not to say yes or no to someone, then who are you REALLY thinking about?! YOURSELF!! People pleasing to the point of being a doormat, in my opinion, is selfish because YO