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B&B s Wenche Fredriksen: Diversity in the real life



A powerful story about a mom’s dream of having a “princess” daughter, and how reality kicked in when her 13 year old daughter came out as a lesbian. We follow mom through a mix of reactions, until she decided to be the “best proud mom, ever”. By actively using her experiences as a proud mom, she challenged and inspired Accenture Nordic to end the silence and grow into a loud and proud workplace. The power of a proud mom’s unconditional love and acceptance can make amazing things happen. Wenche Fredriksen is the Nordic Human Capital & Diversity Lead at Accenture, working with leadership development, org development, inclusion and diversity. She has been with Accenture for 27 years, working as both a business consultant and an HR manager. As a proud mom, she has used her personal story, to drive the LGBT agenda in Accenture Nordic and in society in general.