Medical Medium Podcast

014 Anxiety: They Say It's All In Your Head



Anxiety has many causes and triggers and can be different for everyone. Someone may have a sense of discomfort, unease, feeling no desire to keep moving, not wanting to ever be still, difficulty around crowds, feeling of nervousness, sweaty palms, or the inability to fall asleep easily because of racing thoughts. Another person could be on the bathroom floor, unable to move, body feeling numb, while trying to breathe into a paper bag. The range of anxiety isn’t 1 to 10, it’s more like 1 to 100,000, because that is how many variations of anxiety exist and how everyone can feel it differently. The symptoms of anxiety can range from mild to moderate to severe, and unless you’ve been in someone’s shoes who has struggled or suffered with anxiety, can you really understand what they’re going through. In this episode, I reveal the ten most common triggers for anxiety and how to avoid them. I describe how emotional struggles, hardships, and emotional stress can be both a trigger and a cause for anxiety, and how thi