Center For International Development

Tertiary Education and the Sustainable Development Goals



CID Student Ambassador Abeela Latif interviews Jamil Salmi, Global Tertiary Education Expert. Jamil talks about the role of the private sector in advancing tertiary education about the global regions that have made most progress in terms of improving access to education and how the regions that are lagging behind can move forward. Jamil also talks about why he remains optimistic and thinks we are about to witness a revolution in the way we learn. // // Interview Recorded on February 9th, 2018. About Jamil Salmi: Dr. Salmi is a global tertiary education expert providing policy advice and consulting services to governments, universities, professional associations, multilateral development banks and bilateral cooperation agencies. Until January 2012, he was the World Bank’s tertiary education coordinator. He wrote the first World Bank policy paper on higher education reform in 1994 and was the principal author of the Bank’s 2002 Tertiary Education Strategy entitled “Constructing Knowledge S