Kingsways Carrum Downs

Unto Us a Child is Born - Is 9:6 - Past. John Shipman - 25 Dec 16



I find no scripture anywhere in the Bible that we need to remember or celebrate Christ's birth - no where. So why are we doing it? I don't see any of us bringing our baby photos when we celebrate our birthdays - yet have the nativity scene everywhere this time of the year. (Inaccurate may I say) Santa Clause and St Nicolas has been promoted to have equal value than Jesus this time of the year. Parents keep on telling their children lies about the gifts they buy for them saying "Santa is bringing them if they are good". Same as the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. I know, I know it is all part of the fun. (But is still a lie and make Santa this mystical figure which you don't see yet have the same power as Jesus) I celebrate Christ's birth but not on Christmas! I celebrate it everyday. I remember the one thing Rabbi Jesus told me to remember - The Communion table. Our sins were set free at that Cross. I will do an exposition on Isaiah 9:6.