Ajahn Anan Podcast

Types of Happiness for Laypeople



In this videoconference talk from 16 Jul, 2021, Ajahn Anan discusses about the various types of happiness that laypeople can have. "So we have to train our minds to have metta, karuna, mudita--sympathetic joy, and upekkha--equanimity. Sometimes we don’t have a mind of mudita to others, we have had jealousy in the past as well, but we trained ourselves and then the jealousy reduces by itself. Before we had a mind with no metta to ourselves and others, or we used to have no compassion for ourselves and others. But when we know that we want to have happiness, then we know it's better not to harm ourselves, nor harm others. This is progressing to be better. And if we are living as a householder, and we want to have the happiness of a layperson, of a householder, then the Buddha taught that the happiness of a lay person is 1. have wealth, 2. use wealth for benefit, 3. not having debt, 4. doing actions that are blameless."