Profitable Farmer

Episode 76 - An example of good business I feel proud to be part of!



For me, Farm Owners Academy is a strong example of good business practice, well-applied. We are seven years old and have enjoyed significant growth year on year. We are an expanding team, all well-aligned to a common goal and cause. We deliver results, adding real and lasting value to the lives of those we serve. I am immensely proud to be part of this team and community. I am also very pleased that we are congruent; we practice what we preach. Farm Owners Academy and the Profitable Farmer Podcast succeed because we apply the very business principles we teach - impeccably and with real intent. For this, I thank the WHOLE FOA team. In this podcast, I ask that you humour me as I: reflect on our growth and our results, particularly over the last 18-months; share key elements of our strategic plan - our new vision and roadmap and explain how it sets the foundations now for further growth and expansion; explore an important construct about ‘How to Avoid The Business Price Trap’, and outline the steps yo