Succession Secrets

039 - Do You Lead With Logic or Emotion



It is a widely accepted tenet in sales that customers decide with emotion and justify with logic. The same thing may be happening in leadership. Let me explain. I met with a CEO today a very successful operator, who has been successfully growing and developing her business.  She has installed and redesigned processes replaced her leadership team, managed out poor performers and created detailed mid-term strategic and operating plans.  Results have improved dramatically, but to her consternation, the place is still not buzzing with energy. On the contrary, people are generally not excited to work for the company and a recent survey even showed a growing percentage of disengaged employees. We were discussing what she could do to inspire her troops. What could help the business attract ambitious associates that could propel the business to new heights going forward. Listen to this episode of Succession Secrets to learn what my hunch was about the situation, about the Logic-and-Emotion-Meter and how it can be