Succession Secrets

024 - Hire Your Market, Not Salespeople



Sometimes the best salespeople come from unexpected places. Recall stories of eager waiters and enthusiastic shop assistants who get hired by entrepreneurs passing through town, to promote them to successful sales careers in their companies. A friend of mine is running a successful body repair franchise shop hired in from an insurance company.  He is has built a great book of business from his relationships at his former employers.  Listen to his story and how he is about to hire new markets into his company. His competitors are hiring extroverted car body shop managers who are good at converting incoming traffic into customers.  However, they are not great at channeling demand to their shop, not having relationships at the source of that demand. Listen to this episode of Succession Secrets to hear my story of selling businesses at premium prices to industry outsiders and to find out how my friend is about to double and triple his business in a matter of months, rather than years. Question of the Day: H