Arcane Radio

Memphis Ghost Investigations & Spirit Rescue - Arcane Radio



I welcome Memphis Ghost Investigations & Spirit Rescue director Stephen Williams to Arcane Radio. We are a small, experienced alliance of intuitive paranormal investigators and spirit communicators based in Memphis, Tennessee whose passion is spirit rescue. We help confused or troubled spirits move on. It’s a win-win scenario for everyone involved. When we visit your home, business or public site, we’ll determine if there is credible evidence of spirit activity occurring there. We use a combination of intuitive abilities and sensitive electronic equipment to make this determination. If we discover that earthbound spirits are present, we’ll attempt to communicate and build trust. Through compassionate counseling, we’ll provide opportunities for lost or confused spirits to peacefully and easily ‘cross over’ if they choose to do so (and most do). The result is a harmonious solution for everyone involved. After the release of all spirit energy at the site, we’ll perform a thorough vibrational clearing of the