Take Back Your Health Now! With Dr Dan Margolin

78: What Causes the Onset of Diabetes? | Dr. Zach Gross



Zachary Gross is an accomplished medical doctor, published author and internal medicine resident physician at Florida State University College of Medicine. He cut his teeth as an ice hockey player in Washington D.C. and went on to play Junior A hockey in Syracuse, New York and Boston, Massachusetts.    Following his junior hockey days, he attended The University of Arizona and Curry College, where he graduated magna cum laude in public health with a minor in biology. Zachary then pursued clinical research on thyroid cancer at Washington Hospital Center. Feeling compelled to get more involved in medical research, he spent a year at the Institute for Myeloma and Bone Cancer Research in West Hollywood, California as clinical research analyst and published various research papers on Multiple Myeloma, two of which Zack was a first author on. He attained his M.D. from Ross University School of Medicine.