Go Podcast With Jb And Sara

Episode 19: Story House



In this episode, JB and Sara talk about God's guidance in Sara's career journey moving from Georgia back to Indiana. They discuss how following Jesus doesn't always feel linear and they detail Sara's new professional adventures including continuing her nonprofit work and starting her own counseling practice!    If you are interested in scheduling a session with Sara at her brand new practice, Story House, you can contact her on social media or send her an email. Instagram - @saralbaldwin Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sara.baldwin.5 Twitter - @slbaldwin16 Email - sara@storyhousecounseling.com   If you would like more information on Story Groups. Head on over to growrestored.org. Groups are open now!   Music provided by Addison Agen. https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/addison-agen/1287645332 https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/new-places/1287645330