Discography Discussion

Episode 204: Living Sacrifice Revisited - Discography Discussion



It’s no secret that we love Living Sacrifice here at Discography Discussion.  In the spirit of finding a reason to constantly bring up this band we decided to revisit them with a fresh set of ears.  Jon Beatty joins the podcast while delivering his own brand of hot takes.  This episode was recorded live on our twitch channel, and there will be more to come.  Strap in, make some popcorn, and get ready for us to tell you exactly why you should be listening to Living Sacrifice. #discussmetal #LivingSacrifice Join our Patreon: Discography Discussion on Patreon - http://bit.ly/discussmetalpatreon Discography Discussion Podcast Homepage - http://bit.ly/DiscographyDiscussion Subscribe to RSS - https://podcast.discussmetal.com/feed Buy a Shirt on Teespring! - http://bit.ly/DDTeeSpring Join the conversation on Discord - http://bit.ly/discussmetalDiscord Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Discographydiscussion Twitter - https://twitter.com/discussmetal Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/discography_discussion Lis