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Ep 08 -Crown Guitar Festival



Crown Guitar Festival, just celebrated it’s sixth year. This is a week long workshop and festival held at the Flathead Lake Lodge in Bigfork, MT. Every night there is a performance by leading guitarists in their genre. During the day students attend classes taught by experienced and skilled guitar instructors. In the afternoon you can find one of the performers giving a master class. The meals are exceptional and are great way to collaborate, meet and celebrate with the participants, their families, special guests, board members, sponsors, donors,  bass and drum players and all the others that make the week go so smooth. The idea was conceived by David Feffer who loved guitar and wanted to create something amazing in his home area. Crown of the Continent Guitar Foundation was born with the concept  to “promote the artistry of the guitar across all genres in a non-competitive community environment” and to  provide a place for guitarists to be creativley inspired from the beauty here in northwestern Montana. I