Beyond The Kill

085: What Makes a Great Hunter?



On this episode, Adam is joined by the full crew of guys that were on the JOMH’s recent late season goat hunt and film expedition. This podcast was recorded part way through the trip and includes an interesting mix of guys that have diverse perspectives on the question of what makes a great hunter? You’ll hear thoughts from Dustin Roe, Nolan Osborne, Dan Watson, Steven Drake, Connor Gabbott and of course Adam. This is an opinionated topic and the group doesn’t shy away from tackling the differences between guided and non-guided hunters, high success ratios versus more selective hunting, killing for meat or age or score and many other factors that play into one’s “success” as a hunter. We hope you enjoy this one as much as we did recording it! Thanks to our guests: @dustinroe @nmo @danwato @stevendrakephoto @taluscreative