Beyond The Kill

081: Hunting Is a Complex and Dynamic Pursuit



***WARNING: STRONG AND EXPLICIT LANGUAGE IS USED ON THIS SHOW*** On this episode, we feature a group discussion with nine guys, all of whom were at WSF’s Sheep Show last week. We recorded this episode in one of our hotel rooms just before attending the Grand Finale Banquet so, the audio quality is not as high as we would normally produce, but given the size of the group and the microphone system required it’s the best we could do. It's not bad, but it's not up to our usual standard. In addition, this podcast contains some strong and explicit language, so if you often listen to podcasts in the vehicle with your kids, this is not one to do so with. We do apologize if anyone takes offense to the language used, but the topics covered are ones we are all, very obviously, passionate about. At least in some circles (like ours), when you get a group of guys together that feel strongly about a given subject, the language is going to get a little colorful at times. That said, the topics covered are very interesting giv