Beyond The Kill

076: The BC Grizzly Hunting Ban - What Lies Beyond?



***WARNING: SOME STRONG LANGUAGE IS USED (SPARINGLY) IN THIS PODCAST*** On this episode, Adam is joined by Chris Barker. Chris appeared on the podcast previously when we did our swap-cast with the Rookie Hunter guys, but he is back to discuss the auspicious news out of BC this week—the outright ban on all grizzly hunting province-wide effective immediately. Until Monday's announcement the grizzly hunt was to continue to be permitted in most areas, albeit with some significant alterations to the regulations, but the recently elected provincial government went back on their word and pushed this decision through, to the surprise of everyone in the hunting and conservation community. This decision went against numerous expert and scientific recommendations that supported the unquestionable sustainability of a continued grizzly hunt. Instead, the government, in an authoritarian move, decided to place a higher value on emotion and manipulated statistics, than science and true conservation. This decision was steered