Beyond The Kill

055: Turning the Tables



On this episode, the tables are turned and Adam sits in the interviewee seat for a change. JOMH subscriber Scott Hill takes control of the microphone and digs into Adam’s background and life experiences that led to the launch of the Journal of Mountain Hunting and Beyond the Kill podcast. Topics include Adam’s upbringing, career path, daily work habits, preferred gear and the challenges of balancing family life while getting a business off the ground. Scott and Adam first met at Sheep Show earlier this year and have since become good friends and Scott does a phenomenal job of steering this interview. Scott has also written a few articles for the online magazine and is a guy that truly understands the reasons for sharing hunting experiences that “go beyond the kill”. We are honored that Scott was willing to set aside the time to conduct this interview! We hope you enjoy this behind the scenes look at the life of our own host!