Beyond The Kill

023: The TRCP and the Future of Conservation with Whit Fosburgh, President & CEO TRCP



On Episode 23 of Beyond the Kill.FM Adam is joined by Whit Fosburgh, President and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP). On this episode Whit and Adam cover the history and the incredible breadth of topics and issues the TRCP is focused on. This organization is INTEGRAL to the future of hunting and fishing for generations to come. From conservation funding to land access and freshwater and saltwater issues, and the protection of public lands from industrial misuse the TRCP is the tip of the spear in the halls of power for sportsmen and women. Whether you love or hate government, the TRCP is neck deep in the politics and policies that allow our conservation dollars to be put to work. Without the TRCP many of the organizations we jump to support like the WSF, RMEF, MDF, and many others wouldn’t have the ability to turn their “on the ground” conservation plans into action. If you consider yourself a “hunter-conservationist” this is a podcast you MUST listen to. Whit’s vast experience