Tyler School Of Art's Life After Tyler Podcasts

011: Two Cities: Philadelphia to Roma and Back Again



To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Temple's Rome Program, Emeritus Professor John James Pron speaks about that city's architectural heritage, the shared experiences of the many architecture alumni who studied there, and Rome's direct influence on his own artistic oeuvre. Until his retirement in 2013, Pron taught design studios and lectured on architectural history, but his particular design was the historic preservationa nd adaptive reuse of older buildings - also the focus of his current consulting practice.  He is a recipient of a Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching as well as Temple University's Great Teacher Award - its highest academic honor.  He knows the Rome capus well: he has led Study Tours of Italy in 1977, 1983 and 1987, taught at the Rome campus in 1996 and 2012, and had two sabbaticals there in 2002 and 2009. Here's a link to the PDF version of the slide show if you want to follow along with the pictures.