Something For The Drive Home

Episode 100! SUPER LIVE 100 live 100 Episode LEVEL 100



Okay you sick wild fukz! It is the 100th wild live super episode! Big thanks to the super excellent fggitz that came to the show! Youse where super ace to the maximum mega ace! Bart and Nick would marry you all if it weren't highly illegal in several dimensions. YOUSE R teh reason for global warming and youse SHULD STOP IT . Just relax okay. GOOD ONYA POOOOFFZZ.  Now this PODCAast is lvl 100 so watch up for some high level shadow bolts and beard charming. NOW FOR POWERLAUGHTER!  HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahAHHAHahA AHHAhHAHahahahHHAHhAhahahaHAHAH ha AHahHAhAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH aa HAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHHHHAAA AHHHHHHHhhhhh  hhhAAAAAAHahHHAHAhah AaH HA AHa hahhaH Aha hA ahh Aha aH AH ahahahhahahahahahahaha Aha AH AH ahHA AH ahhah ah HA HAHaH AHA haHHAHA HA AH ahAHHAH AH AhA hAH ah AHha hA hA AhHaHaHah Aa ha hAh Aha hAhahAhA hAhAhA hA ahA HA ahA ha AH ahahahah AH AH ahhaa ha ah ahhAha ah AhahahaH A AH ah a AahahahahahAh A"ah hA hahaHahAAHhA twitter/instagram @bartlol @thenickcody Faceb