Something For The Drive Home

episode therty fiVE



JOLLY GOOD DAY TO YOUR RACE FACES RIGHT NOW PANTS MASTErs! Welcome to a fancy in the bag episode! Bart and NIck are touring around the place so this podDANGLE comes from the deep past of powerful minge.  Then the Buddha addressed all the monks once more, and these were the very last words he spoke: "Behold, O monks, this is my last advice to you. All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation." Then the Buddha lapsed into the jhana stages, or meditative absorptions. Going from level to level, one after the other, ever deeper and deeper. Then he came out of the meditative absorption for the last time and passed into nirvana, leaving nothing whatever behind that can cause rebirth again in this or any other world. Follow us on the twitterzz! @thenickcody and @bartlol!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!