Have More Fun With Mandy Arioto

How To Be A Cozy Minimalist- An Interview with Myquillyn Smith



Description: In this episode Mandy talk with Myquillyn Smith about creating a cozy home that works and partners with you and everyone in it, they also discuss naked feet and why Myquillyn hates seeing toes, and how to decorate a place you rent.   Selected Links: Myquillyn’s Instagram The Nester Website Pre-order the Cozy Minimalist Home Make sure to click “Watch Video” to see the amazing home and be sure to order the book soon to get some awesome pre-order bundles (only on Oct 23rd). MOPS Music by: Phillip E Morris "Sunshine & Blue Skies" soundcloud.com/philipemorris & pema.bandcamp.com   Show Notes: 1:08 Introduction- How Green Eggs and Ham came about 2:22 We spend HOW??? much time looking for missing items 2:35 Myquellyn Smith intro 3:07 The new book 4:04 What does it look like to practice Cozy Minimalism 6:18 The shift of making a home look better to serving better 7:09 Why we don’t use our home the way we really want to 8:20 Buying more stuff isn’t the only solution 8:38 How to find the perfect so