Have More Fun With Mandy Arioto

How to deal with criticism and get what you want- an interview with Amanda Inchaustegui



In this episode Mandy talks with Amanda Inchaustegui about dealing with criticism, how to be empowered in your everyday life, and the one thing healthy people do. Listen to this episode if you want tricks for living your best life, are desperate for more joy and are ready to get curious about what is holding you back. Selected Links: If you would like to experience the life improving affect of working with a coach Amanda is offering an introductory coaching vision session with one of the Novus Global coaches. Just send her an email at amanda@novus.global and she will connect you with one of their amazing coaches. Amanda's site MOPS Show Notes:   :43 Introduction 1:42 Be occasionally remarkable 3:00 Do a few things well 3:28 Introducing Amanda 4:14 Where do we start to get what we want 4:44 Why complaints are important 7:40 What are you tolerating 11:15 Holding space for people to give an account 13:30 How to step into empowered space 14:30 Dealing with loss of pregnancy 18:31 Recognizing Rackets 18:40 Look go