The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 066: Kimmie Singh on Weight Stigma in Dietetics



In this episode I talk to RD to be Kimmie Singh about her dietetic internship experience, weight stigma in the healthcare field, how medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and Health at Every Size (HAES) are aligned, and how Intuitive Eating is still possible, even if you have PCOS with insulin resistance! This episode is definitely geared towards RDs, but if you’re not an RD or healthcare provider don’t turn away too quickly - I think everyone can benefit from listening to this conversation. In the episode we talk about: Kimmie’s Dietetic Internship Experience. Weight stigma in the healthcare field. How MNT (Medical Nutrition Therapy) and HAES are aligned! PCOS and Intuitive Eating. Honoring your humanity as a clinician. Resources: Jessi’s Newsletter The Nutrition & Body Image Coaching Course Kimmie’s Instagram Kimmie’s Website Work with Kimmie at LK Nutrition in NYC