The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 029: Meredith Noble on Building Resiliency Grieving the Thin Ideal



Meredith Noble is a certified coach who helps plus-size people find food and body peace. Her practice combines Health at Every Size and intuitive eating philosophies with feminism and fat acceptance. With her compassion and expertise, her clients learn how to feel more comfortable in their skin, be at ease around food, and leave toxic diet culture behind. In this episode Meredith talks about how one doctor’s weight loss recommendation lead her down the road to disordered eating, body shame, and over exercise. It wasn’t until she discovered Health at Every Size that she was able to just live her life as a self-identified “small fat person”. After going through her own healing process, Meredith decided to dedicate her career to to helping people in plus-size bodies build resiliency in a world that favors small bodies and diet culture. Now, she does the work to help people heal on an individual level, and also works as an activist to help us heal on a cultural level.   Resources Jessi’s Free Intuitive Eating Au