Syn Studio Podcast

EP 45 - Jose Holder - Storyboard Artist, Concept Artist, Comic Book Artist and Illustrator - Assassin's Creed: Uprising, Rainbow 6: Siege, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, C.R.A.Z.Y. ...



We are super excited to welcome Jose Holder to this month’s Syn Studio podcast! Jose is currently working with Titan Comics as a Series artist on the Assassin's Creed comic books and has also done storyboards for the Assassin’s Creed franchise among many other Ubisoft games. Previously he has done storyboard and concept art for films such as X-Men: Dark Phoenix, The Glass Castle, Warm Bodies, The Mummy 3: Curse Of The Dragon Emperor, C.R.A.Z.Y. and the list goes on… Jose has also recently directed, written, produced and storyboarded the short film Red Ruby, which is a supernatural thriller meets quantum nightmare and has already won several awards in the film festival circuit.