Doctor Thyroid

Hypothyroidism⎥Weight Gain, Fatigue, and Sluggishness, with Dr. Alan Farwell from Boston Medical Center



Dr. Alan Farwell is an endocrinologist, Director of the Endocrine Clinics at Boston Medical Center, and Associate Professor of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine, in Massachusetts. In addition to his extensive academic and clinical activities, Dr. Farwell has been extremely active and served in multiple capacities in the ATA, including as Chair of the Education Committee and the Patient Education and Advocacy Committee, and as a member of the Program Committee and the Website Task Force Publications Committee. He has served two terms on the ATA Board of Directors, is the founding and current Chair of the ATA Alliance for Patient Education.  Dr. Farwell has been an Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of Thyroid, and since 2009 has been Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Thyroidology for the Public. In this interview, we discuss the following topics: Thyroid surgery and RAI sometimes results in hypothyroidism Most common cause is Hashimoto’s disease Explanation of overactive and underacti