Doctor Thyroid

02: The Role of the Naturopath in Relation to Conventional Medicine with Dr. Shawn Soszka



This episode features Dr. Shawn Soszka. Topics covered in today’s interview include, starting your day right, tendon issues due to thyroid disease, insomnia, dizziness, painful feet, temperature testing, hypothyroidism, low dose Naltrexone, selenomethionine, and why some people feel worse when exercising.   Also, discussed is adrenal function and optimal time of day for body temperature testing as related to the thyroid disease. Dr. Soszka strives to integrate both systems of medicine. a focus on functional medicine, with emphasis on treating gastrointestinal, chronic disease, and endocrine based conditions. He specializes in: fatigue/adrenal exhaustion, thyroid disorders, digestion/gut health, autoimmune diseases.